Being Good Stewards
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10
Stewardship is about how we respond to God’s generosity in the way we use our time, our talents, our gifts and our money. Being good stewards, and encouraging others to be good stewards, helps our church family to grow and fulfil our mission at St Mary’s.
The stewardship team aims to review the church needs each year and plan an annual Stewardship Invitation. The Invitation is a focussed period when we are all encouraged and guided to look at our gifts and how we can best use them.
How you can help
The stewardship team needs volunteers with an interest in helping people to develop their gifts and talents and to understand more fully how, as Christians, we are responsible and accountable for how we use our gifts. Good communication and a creative approach to engaging people are great skills to have!
And, of course, we can all be involved by the way we prayerfully review our own response to God’s generosity on a regular basis and encourage each other.
It costs about £70,000 a year to run St Mary’s and we need a sufficient regular income to meet these costs. If you are not a regular giver, why not become one and join our Parish Giving Scheme(PGS). Without a doubt, this is the best way to support our parish by regular giving - we do encourage those who currently use standing orders or envelopes to consider joining this scheme.