The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the governing body of our parish church. Its main function is to work with the Vicar 'to promote in the parish the whole mission of the Church'. PCC members might find themselves involved in decisions about: our mission, the church building, finance, worship, safeguarding and anything else to do with our church.
Current members of the PCC are:
- Rev Ian Tweedie-Smith, Vicar
- Sandra Horsnall, Lay Vice Chair and Church Warden
- Dave Nettleton, Deanery Synod Representative
- David Martin, Deanery Synod Representative
- Berta Legg, Treasurer
- Marie Dempsey, Church Warden and Safeguarding Officer
- Ed Coleman
- Rosie Harris
- Glenys Stevens, Co-opted
The treasurer is appointed by the PCC and is a PCC member. The treasurer is responsible (among other things) for carrying out the PCC’s financial decisions, for monitoring and reporting on the PCC’s finances, for maintaining accounts and for preparing annual financial statements. The PCC also elect a parish secretary.
The PCC will also appoint other people to special administrative or management roles such as the Gift Aid Secretary, Parish Safeguarding Officers and Parish Record Keepers.
The Churchwardens share with the Bishop, Archdeacon and Vicar, the care of the parish. They have special responsibilities in terms of worship, administration, governance and maintenance. They are elected by the parish and become PCC members. Deanery Synod representatives, elected by the church, link us to other churches in our deanery and through that to the Diocese. They also become members of the PCC.
Being a PCC member is a great opportunity to find out about the running of the parish and to make a difference in how things are done. In our PCC we seek to reach consensus over issues through discussion, debate, listening, reflection and prayer – always trying to keep God and our mission central.
If this role interests you please do speak to the Vicar or a churchwarden and put your name forward for nomination/election at the next Annual Parochial Church Meeting. Anyone on the electoral role aged 16 years or older can be elected to the PCC.
And if you have skills or experience in other management or administrative roles that could assist the parish in any way please do contact a churchwarden.