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Easter Services 2025

To view/download a copy of these details get our Easter Leaflet 25 
Passion Sunday 6th April 2025

10.30am Church for All with Messy Church at St Mary’s Church
Incl Breakfast from 10.00am & Easter activities - children must bring an adult!

Palm Sunday 13th April

10.30am Holy Communion with gift of Palm Crosses at St Mary’s Church
10.30am Morning Service (Own Arrangement) at Purton Methodist Church
6.00pm Passover Meal with Jesus’ Interpretation - See website for tickets

Maundy Thursday 17th April

6.00pm Holy Communion at St Mary’s

Good Friday 18th April

10.00am Walk of Reflection and Witness (starting at Pavenhill Shops)
(Also at any time) Your own reflective walk Around Purton
Collect a Guide from outside St Mary’s Church or
from the Coop or One Stop or download from the website
2.00pm Hour at the Cross - United Service at St Mary’s
A time to reflect on what Christ did for us -
with Bible Readings, Prayer, Hymns & Times of Quiet

Easter Day - Sunday 2oth April

8.00am Holy Communion at St Mary’s
10.30am Easter Celebration with Family Communion at St Mary’s
10.30am Easter Holy Communion at Purton Methodist Church


A very Happy Easter to everyone from Purton Churches
Certainty in an uncertain world?

Does Easter have any relevance in an uncertain world with so many wars and unresolved conflicts. Is it just a double bank holiday weekend with plenty of chocolate! This year could we all think about the one who died and came back to life that first Easter - Jesus himself. Not just an ordinary man but the one who brings certainty in this uncertain world. John, one of Jesus’ first followers, wrote about Jesus’ life. He wrote about some of the things Jesus did, saying,
“...these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.
[John chapter 20 verse 31, The Bible].  John wanted us to believe that Jesus is the promised Messiah or Christ, fully man and fully God. But he also wanted us to believe in and to put our trust in Jesus so that we might have life in His name. Jesus offers Life now, Life with a capital
“L”, Life that is certain, Life that will take us through death to be with Jesus for ever. If you are interested, then please join us at one of our Easter services (detailed above) or contact us using the contact details below or via the website. It is my prayer that this Easter we might all find the certainty, which only Jesus can provide. Ian Tweedie-Smith (Vicar of St Mary’s)

If you or any of your family or friends need our prayers please contact:
Revd Ian Tweedie-Smith 01793 770077 email:
Or Revd Shirlyn Toppin 01793 853197 for Purton Methodist Church

The services posted here are our special Easter Services
Our normal Sunday pattern is as follows:
8.00am Holy Communion (1st & 3rd Sundays) at St Mary’s Church
10.30am Contemporary Service - Church for All (1st 3rd & 5thSundays)
And Holy Communion (2nd & 4th Sundays) at St Mary’s Church
10.30am Service at Purton Methodist Church
4.00pm Messy Church (Monthly) at St Mary’s Church

For more Information
See this website
Facebook St. Mary’s Church, Purton, Wiltshire

Do you want to find out more about the certainty that Jesus brings?
After Easter we are hoping to run a group to discuss this further
see website above or contact Revd Ian Tweedie-Smith