Missed a service? Want to catch up with what was said? Listen again to Sermons.
Sunday Family Service - Re-opening and Dedication of the Renewed Church building - Matthew 6 24-34
Bishop Viv Faull05 September 2021 22:17
"You cannot serve both God and money. Therefore .... do not worry about your life". Seek first His kingdom and all that you need will be given to you. -
Sunday Prayer Service - Whole service
Judith Wells29 August 2021 16:25
This is a recording of the whole service. -
Sunday Prayer Service - Acts 12 5-17a
Judith Wells29 August 2021 16:25
This is the reading and sermon only. See above for the whole service. -
Sunday Service - John 6 35, 41-51
Christopher Bryan08 August 2021 13:31
Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." -
Sunday Family Service - Luke 15 11-32
Simon Wills01 August 2021 21:18
Sunday Service - Luke 10 38-42
Ian Tweedie-Smith25 July 2021 21:14
Sunday Service - John 6 1-21
Liz Martin18 July 2021 21:09
Sunday Service - Psalm 24, Luke 10 38-42, 2 Cor 5 17-21
Judith Wells11 July 2021 20:46
Sunday Family Service - Luke 10 1-11, 16-20
Judith Wells04 July 2021 20:06
Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-Two. Judith describes how Jesus sent out his disciples to preach the Kingdom of God in the neighbourhood. With great love and compassion we must tell our neighbours about the Kingdom for they all need God in their lives. -
Sunday Service - Colossians 1 24-29
Ian Tweedie-Smith20 June 2021 22:07
Our verse for the year 2021 is taken from this letter of St Paul in which he describes his calling to proclaim the gospel, the Good News of Christ. Ian reminds us that we are called to join with Paul as disciples who 'Know Christ and Make Christ Known'. "He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ." -
Sunday Service - Luke 14 15-24
Ian Tweedie-Smith13 June 2021 19:17
The Parable of the Great Banquet. We prioritise many things in our lives - work, family, security, etc - and quite rightly so. But we must never lose sight of the No 1 Priority - Responding to God's invitation. -
Sunday Family Service - Luke 16 19-31
David Martin06 June 2021 15:28
The Rich Man and Lazarus. How the tables turn! -
Sunday United Service - Acts 2 22-47
David Perkins30 May 2021 21:02
The reading from Acts tells of how the power of the Spirit was at work in the early Church. Likewise, our Church today must be an outward sign of the Spirit in our hearts - witnessed by our generosity, by how we are connected in our relationships, by our faithfulness in worship and by our joyfulness. -
Sunday Service - Acts 2 1-21
Ian Tweedie-Smith23 May 2021 14:51
"... everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved". Jesus fulfils this promise by infusing his disciples with the power of his Spirit such that they are transformed and equipped to be his messengers. Likewise, by placing our trust in the Lord, we too can be filled with the Spirit and enabled to spread the gospel to others around us through our words and actions. -
Christian Aid Service - Micah 6
Sophie Brightwell16 May 2021 21:30
And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God. -
Sunday Service - John 21 1-19
Ian Tweedie-Smith09 May 2021 20:20
Jesus says to Peter, "Follow Me". Peter had failed. But Jesus, with love and challenge, recommissions him for the task he's called to do. We too have a task that God wants us to do and Jesus is always there to love, challenge and recommission us when we fail. -
Sunday Family Service - John 20 19-31
Simon Wills02 May 2021 15:33
Jesus said "Peace be with you". A powerful peace that comes from God and is freely given to all. A peace that is experienced by knowing and trusting in the saving love of Jesus. A peace that we need to pass onto others. -
Sunday Service - John 10 11-18
Judith Wells25 April 2021 20:21
Jesus is the Good Shepherd - the one and only Good Shepherd who loves us so much that he wants to gather us all into the Kingdom of God. He demonstrates his great love by freely choosing to lay down his life so that all who believe in him will be saved. We are called to emulate this selfless love in taking this gospel message to others. -
Sunday Service - Luke 9 12-17, Luke 24 33-45
David Martin18 April 2021 08:16
From these readings, David draws out how Jesus used ordinary objects to convey an important message about himself. -
Sunday Service - Isaiah 44:23 – 45:8
Kenny Wickens11 April 2021 13:18
We are reminded that God is actively involved in the world, working through people, even corrupt rulers. His involvement can be surprising and we will often not understand - but we are called to have faith in God who is in control of all things. -
Easter Sunday Family Service - John 20 1-18
Ian Tweedie-Smith04 April 2021 15:59
The Empty Tomb. Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene. -
Good Friday. Hour at the Cross
David Perkins02 April 2021 16:11
An introductory reading from Isaiah 53 1-7 followed by readings and reflections from John 18 v28-40, 19 v1-16, 19 v17-37 and 19 v38-42. -
Maundy Thursday Service - John 13 1-17, 31-35
Judith Wells01 April 2021 16:19
Jesus washes his disciples' feet showing his great love for them. And He gives us all a new commandment “As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” -
Sunday Service - Mark 11 1-11
Ian Tweedie-Smith28 March 2021 07:40
On Palm Sunday Jesus made clear that we should praise and glorify him as the Messiah. This requires not just a passing response in words, as for the crowd, but a long-term response by our committed actions. -
Sunday Service - Psalms 51 1-4
Kenny Wickens21 March 2021 18:33
David recognises he has done wrong, has acted immorally and caused offence to God. He calls out to a loving and compassionate God for mercy and cleansing. David's prayer is answered. We too today, no matter how sinful we are, have the same access to God's loving forgiveness. -
Sunday Service (Mothering Day) - 1 Samuel 1.1 - 2.11
Judith Wells14 March 2021 16:11
The Birth of Samuel and his Dedication to God by Hannah. Hannah, a woman of great faith, prayed persistently to the Lord for a son. And in her prayer she made the positive and purposeful commitment that she would give her son back into the Lord's service - which she did. We are reminded that our prayer too should by persistent, purposeful and positive. -
Sunday Family Service - John 2 13-21
Celia Tweedie-Smith07 March 2021 21:01
Jesus goes to the Temple. Celia pointed us towards two lessons from this reading. First, the Temple people were being irreverent in their approach to God; we should seek to meet God with reverence and not let our 'busyness' distract us from where our focus needs to be. Second, now that we have Jesus, buildings are irrelevant - Jesus is now our 'temple', the place where we can meet God. -
Sunday Service - Psalm 127 1-5
Ian Tweedie-Smith28 February 2021 13:14
"Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain" (v1a). Ian reminds us that, as we prepare to open up our Church building again, it is timely that we revisit other areas of our lives - our home, our security, our work and our families - areas that we seek to 'build up' by our own efforts. Instead, God wants us to use these areas as opportunities to become more reliant on Him and less dependent on our own -
Sunday Service - Matthew 4 1-11
Judith Wells21 February 2021 17:22
Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness. We too will be tested as the Devil tempts us to do wrong. The testing will help us to discover the depth of our faithfulness and love for God who promises that he will not let us be tempted beyond our ability to withstand. -
Sunday Service - 1 Corinthians 13 1-13 and 1 John 4 7-12, 19
Ian Tweedie-Smith14 February 2021 15:30
Love is Indispensible; God's Love and Ours. Ian explains how the enormity of God's Love is Demonstrated by sending his Son to die as an atonement for our sins and how God Demands that Christians, enabled by His grace, must accept the challenge to lead a life of Love - guided by the characteristics of Love as Defined in 1 Corinthians. -
Sunday Family Service - Matthew 5 14-16 and Philippians 2 14-16
Liz Martin07 February 2021 18:48
'You are like light for the whole world...You must shine among them like stars lighting up the sky'. We need to let the light and hope that Jesus brings shine through us for others to see. -
Sunday Service - Luke 2 22-40
Ian Tweedie-Smith31 January 2021 14:29
Jesus Presented in the Temple. Like Simeon, we are called to be people who are willing to Wait for, to Walk with and to Welcome Jesus, God's promised Messiah, into our lives. -
Sunday Service - John 3 1-21
Ian Tweedie-Smith24 January 2021 17:13
Jesus teaches Nicodemus. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." v16. This is the certainty that Jesus offers us in these uncertain times. -
United Service - John 1 43-51
David Perkins17 January 2021 19:30
.. at start of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael. A lesson in Discipleship for christians of all denominations. We are Kingdom people and our calling is to make it easier for others to believe in Jesus. -
Sunday Service - Isaiah 40 21-31
Ian Tweedie-Smith10 January 2021 10:06
Isaiah describes the character of God as one who brings consequence, comfort and care. If we trust and hope in the Lord He will renew our strength and, through times of difficulty, He will grow his character within us, -
Sunday Family Service - Matthew 2 1-12
Judith Wells03 January 2021 18:42
The Magi visit the Messiah. "Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts..." What gifts do I bring to Jesus? -
Sunday United Covenant Service - Galatians 4 4-7, Luke 2 15-21
Christopher Bryan27 December 2020 11:47
Christmas Morning Service - Luke 2 1-20
Ian Tweedie-Smith25 December 2020 11:47
The Birth of Jesus. Things didn't look great for Mary and Joseph at the birth of Jesus - but the events were exactly as God had promised. The Christmas message reminds us that, even when things seem to be going wrong in the world, God is in control. -
Christmas Midnight service - John 1 1-14
Ian Tweedie-Smith24 December 2020 23:30
The Word became Flesh. Our true identity is in receiving and believing in Jesus. -
Sunday Service - Mark 1 1-8
Ian Tweedie-Smith13 December 2020 18:24
John the Baptist Prepares the Way. John's behaviour, his life style, humility and worship provide us with a model of how we should prepare for Jesus to become the focus for our lives. -
Sunday Family Service - Isaiah 9 2-7 and John 20 19-29
Judith Wells06 December 2020 11:44
"... and he will be called ... Prince of Peace". Jesus said "Peace be with you". This is God's peace which comes from knowing and trusting in God and recognising that, whatever happens, God is in control. -
Sunday Service - Daniel 7 9-14 ¦ Living in a strange land wk7
Ian Tweedie-Smith29 November 2020 17:12
Daniel's vision reminds us that God, the Ancient of Days, has given Jesus, the Son of Man, all authority, glory and power; his kingdom is everlasting and cannot be destroyed. In this knowledge we can be a People of Hope despite the seemingly powerful 'beasts' of this world. Ian's talk concludes this series on Daniel, 'Living in a strange land'. -
Sunday Service - Lamentations 1 1-3, 18-20 and 3 19-24
Celia Tweedie-Smith22 November 2020 20:00
Sunday Service - Matthew 25 14-30
Judith Wells15 November 2020 10:55
The Parable of the Bags of Gold. The parable portrays a loving God who generously gives us good gifts .... and a people of God who participate in His kingdom by taking opportunities to use their gifts in love for others. Having trust in a loving God gives us the confidence to take these opportunities. -
Remembrance Service
Ian Tweedie-Smith08 November 2020 12:09
This Remembrance service was part of the Sunday Service on 8th November. -
Sunday Family Service - Ephesians 1 11-23
Kenny Wickens01 November 2020 17:28
What we can learn from how Paul prays for the Ephesians. Why he prays for them and how he prays. The talk also refers to and makes connection with two other readings which were included in the service - Daniel 7 1-3, 15-18 and Matthew 5 1-12. -
Sunday Family Service - Daniel 7 - for the children!
Kenny Wickens01 November 2020 15:58
Daniel's dream of four beasts - Chapter 7 v 1-3, 15-18. This session starts with the reading followed by the children sharing their own pictures and models of scary monsters. Kenny then shows his pictures of the four monsters in Daniel's dream and the monsters in Max's dream in the book "Where the Wild Things are". See pictures here. Max, in his dream, becomes King of the Monsters. Kenny explained that in Daniel's dream the -
Sunday Service - Matthew 22 1-14
Judith Wells25 October 2020 16:15
The Parable of the Wedding Banquet. God's generous invitation into the Kingdom of heaven is offered to all. We do not need fine clothes to accept this most special invitation but we do need to be prepared with an inner spirituality that is right with God. -
Sunday Service - Daniel 6 ¦ Living in a strange land wk6
Ian Tweedie-Smith18 October 2020 13:56
A Strange Priority - God Honours His Servants. Daniel made God his first priority despite risking death in the Lion's Den -
Sunday Service - Daniel 5 ¦ Living in a strange land wk5
Ian Tweedie-Smith11 October 2020 16:41
A Strange Feast - God Writes the Message. When we are ILL, in body, mind or spirit, we need (I)nformation, but this is not enough. We also need to (L)isten to what we are told and (L)earn to live differently. -
Sunday Family Service - Matthew 20 1-16
Simon Wills04 October 2020 10:58
Parable of the workers in the vineyard. The kingdom of heaven is the greatest gift anyone can receive. None of us deserve it but God, in his great generosity, offers it to us all. -
Sunday Service - Daniel 4 ¦ Living in a strange land wk4
Ian Tweedie-Smith27 September 2020 19:25
A Strange Tree - God Humbles the King because God is KING -
Sunday Family Service - Nehemiah 8 1-12
Liz Martin20 September 2020 19:23
Sunday Service - Daniel 3 ¦ Living in a strange land wk3
Ian Tweedie-Smith13 September 2020 19:21
A Strange Fire - God Gets the Glory -
Sunday Family Service - Luke 10 25-37
Judith Wells06 September 2020 21:23
The Parable of the Good Samaritan. Whoever is your neighbour in need, it's not someone else's job, it's yours. -
Sunday Service - Daniel 2 ¦ Living in a strange land wk2
Ian Tweedie-Smith30 August 2020 10:32
A Strange Dream - God is Sovereign, Light & Revelation - SLR. By trusting in God's sovereign power, Daniel receives wisdom to interpret Nebuchadnezzar's first dream. We are reminded that our security lies in the God's Sovereignty, Light and Revelation. -
Sunday Service - Daniel 1 ¦ Living in a strange land wk1
Ian Tweedie-Smith23 August 2020 19:23
A Strange Diet - God's Surprising Sovereignty & Daniel's Strong Stand. When the opportunity arose Daniel choose to take a stand, to be different from the society around him and to depend on God. And God showed his sovereignty by intervening and giving Daniel the strength and resources he needed. Our challenge is to be like Daniel, to trust God and be prepared to take a stand when opportunities arise. -
Sunday Service - Matthew 15 21-28
Judith Wells16 August 2020 15:19
The Faith of the Canaanite Woman. With faith, pray persistently for the grace you need but don't deserve - God's grace is freely available for all. -
Sunday Service - Matthew 14 22-33
Archdeacon Christopher Bryan09 August 2020 13:10
Jesus walks on water. Jesus is the Son of God - he can walk on water and he alone can save us. Trust in the Lord always. -
Sunday Family Service - Matthew 14 13-21
David Martin02 August 2020 19:20
Feeding the five thousand. Jesus gave food to the disciples, who then gave it to the people. God is offering us a partnership; he wants to work through us to help those in need. -
Sunday Service - Matthew 13 31-33, 44-52
Ian Tweedie Smith26 July 2020 20:06
Parables of the Mustard Seed, the Yeast, the Hidden Treasure, the Pearl and the Net. Jesus asks his disciples "Have you understood all these things?" We too must seek wisdom and understanding from these parables. -
Sunday Service - Matthew 12 22-37
Kenny Wickens19 July 2020 20:36
Jesus and Beelzebul. Darkness cannot drive out darkness - only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate - only love can do that. -
Sunday Service - Matthew 13 1-9, 18-23
Judith Wells12 July 2020 18:46
The parable of the Sower. "The seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the Word and understands it ... ". Then, such a person can also be a sower and spread the Word to others. -
Digging Deeper into Matthew 26-28
Gaining a deeper understanding of Matthew with Ian Tweedie-Smith. Click on the title for session notes.Digging Deeper into Matthew 26-28
Ian Tweedie-Smith19 April 2020 20:00
Gaining a deeper understanding of Matthew with Ian Tweedie-Smith. Click on the title for session notes.